
Playlist: Luyện nghe Tiếng Anh - Trình độ Mới bắt đầu

97 bài luyện nghe từ bộ tài liệu nổi tiếng: Learn English via Listening

Listening for beginners - Lesson 86: Transportation (2)

Listening for beginners - Lesson 1: First Snow Fall

Listening for beginners - Lesson 2: Jessica's First Day ...

Listening for beginners - Lesson 3: My Flower Garden

Listening for beginners - Lesson 4: Going Camping

Listening for beginners - Lesson 5: My House

Listening for beginners - Lesson 6: My First Pet

Listening for beginners - Lesson 7: Jennifer the ...

Listening for beginners - Lesson 8: Mark's Big Game

Listening for beginners - Lesson 9: The Easter Egg Hunt

Listening for beginners - Lesson 10: Joe's First Car

Listening for beginners - Lesson 11: Summer Vacation

Listening for beginners - Lesson 12: Cleaning Up Leaves

Listening for beginners - Lesson 13: Susan's Wedding Day

Listening for beginners - Lesson 14: Remembrance Day

Listening for beginners - Lesson 15: Halloween Night

Listening for beginners - Lesson 16: Christmas Eve

Listening for beginners - Lesson 17: Thanksgiving

Listening for beginners - Lesson 18: Learning How to Drive

Listening for beginners - Lesson 19: Housework

Listening for beginners - Lesson 20: Working Outside

Listening for beginners - Lesson 21: Daily Schedule

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 22: Meals

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 24: Weather

Listening for beginners - Lesson 23: Seasons

Listening for beginners - Lesson 25: House

Listening for beginners - Lesson 26: School

Listening for beginners - Lesson 27: Subjects

Listening for beginners - Lesson 28: International Students

Listening for beginners - Lesson 29: Interests and Hobbies

Listening for beginners - Lesson 30: Movies

Listening for beginners - Lesson 31: Flowers

Listening for beginners - Lesson 32: The Shopping Mall

Listening for beginners - Lesson 33: Travel

Listening for beginners - Lesson 34: The Farm

Listening for beginners - Lesson 35: Transportation

Listening for beginners - Lesson 36: Holidays

Listening for beginners - Lesson 37: Diseases

Listening for beginners - Lesson 38: Jobs

Listening for beginners - Lesson 39: My Body

Listening for beginners - Lesson 40: Clothing

Listening for beginners - Lesson 41: Colors

Listening for beginners - Lesson 42: Wild Animals

Listening for beginners - Lesson 43: Months

Listening for beginners - Lesson 44: Days of the Week

Listening for beginners - Lesson 45: Describing Things

Listening for beginners - Lesson 46: Fruit

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 47: Bugs

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 48: The Kitchen

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 49: Vegetables

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 50: Pets

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 51: Parties

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 52: Grocery Shopping

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 53: Differences

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 54: The Restaurant

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 55: Traffic

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 56: Music(1)

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 57: Who, What, Where ...

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 58: Which Direction?

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 59: The Office

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 60: Money

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 61: Manners

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 62: The Two Sexes

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 63: Me

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 64: My cat

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 65: Music (2)

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 66: Spring

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 67: The Birthday Party

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 68: My Classroom

Listening for Beginners - Lesson 69: Vacation

Listening for beginners - Lesson 70: My house (1)

Listening for beginners - Lesson 71: My family

Listening for beginners - Lesson 72: Winter

Listening for beginners - Lesson 73: Autumn

Listening for beginners - Lesson 74: Summer

Listening for beginners - Lesson 75: Doctor

Listening for beginners - Lesson 76: The Dentist

Listening for beginners - Lesson 77: The School Play

Listening for beginners - Lesson 78: Emotions

Listening for beginners - Lesson 79: My First Job

Listening for beginners - Lesson 80: The Lie

Listening for beginners - Lesson 81: Hobbies

Listening for beginners - Lesson 82: Christmas

Listening for beginners - Lesson 83: The Garden

Listening for beginners - Lesson 84: The Pet Store

Listening for beginners - Lesson 85: My First Day of School

Listening for beginners - Lesson 86: Transportation (2)

Listening for beginners - Lesson 87: Television

Listening for beginners - Lesson 89: Food

Listening for beginners - Lesson 90: The Zoo

Listening for beginners - Lesson 91: The Museum

Listening for beginners - Lesson 92: The Police

Listening for beginners - Lesson 93: Pretending

Listening for beginners - Lesson 94: A Baby

Listening for beginners - Lesson 95: My Dad

Listening for beginners - Lesson 96: My Mom

Listening for beginners - Lesson 97: A Surprise

Listening for beginners - Lesson 98: Homework

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